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AppRising delivers insight into new broadband applications, exploring their impact on networks and their implications for public policy.

AppRising is written by Geoff Daily, who covers broadband applications and the business of online video. Based in Washington, DC, Geoff regularly advises applications developers, network operators, community leaders, and public officials on how to maximize adoption and use of the Internet.

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November 1, 2007 1:47 PM

Finding Education Online

Came across a great Wired article entitled "The Top Web-Based Education Resources."

While this is far from a comprehensive list of educational resources available online, it provides a concise fly-by of some of the top options. Here were my favorites:

Curriki - Uses wiki technology to enable educators to share educational materials.

Kiddix - Not sure if the content found herein is as substantial as some of the other sites (they focus heavily on games), I was impressed by their focus on kids. I think it's important to not just create online educational resources for parents to use with their kids; we need to make sure we're empowering kids to find their own path.

Idealist.org - Not so much educational as inspirational, but I always appreciate efforts to inspire younger generations to get engaged and try to make a difference, which is what this site aims to do.


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